As we prepare for the new school year, we would like to keep you updated on transportation schedules.
AM - Athena to Weston shuttle, departs Weston-McEwen High School 7:35 am.
AM - Weston to Athena shuttle, departs Weston Middle School 7:25 am.
PM - Athena to Weston shuttle, departs Athena Elementary School 2:50 pm.
PM - Athena (WMHS) to Weston shuttle, department Weston-McEwen High School 3:20 pm
PM - Weston to Athena shuttle, departs Weston Middle School 3:10 pm.
Adams City Park pick up 6:55 am, drop off 4:10 pm
Winn/HWY 11 Intersection pick up 6:55 am, drop off 3:55 pm
Athena Softball Field pick up 7:20 am, drop off 3:45 pm
If you have specific questions about your students pick up and drop off times, please contact your specific school or the transportation director, Olivia Furstenberg at