A student organization at Weston-McEwen High School organized a successful movie fundraiser
in December. The Schnitzer Cares Group showed three movies at the local Gem Theatre.
The group invited community members. According to Jane Waldher, advisor for the group, the
students put a lot of thought into choosing the movies and planning the event to appeal to a
variety of audiences. About 100 people attended across the three showings.
Waldher said Schnitzer Cares is incredibly thankful to the Gem Theatre for donating their space
for this event. The group raised about $1,100, which exceeded their goal of $750. When
matched by The Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation, the WMHS group will have raised
$11,000. The funds raised will go to local nonprofits and groups, as well as organizations at the
“We reached much further than our goal thanks to all the amazing people in our community
who care. Reaching our goal was such a big opportunity and very heartwarming because it
means we get to help more people and really make a difference,” Waldher said.