
Weston-McEwen High School

02-11-25 Students Participate in Mock Interviews to Gain Skills

Freshman students at Weston-McEwen High School recently honed their job interview skills

with some mock interviews. The interviews are part of the curriculum in their Freshman Success


Jane Waldher, the district’s School to Careers Coordinator, and Andrew Griggs, high school

Teacher, answered some questions about this activity for students.

How long is each interview? 10 minutes

Are the interviews for specific jobs?

Yes. These are specific jobs for students to apply for. We've found it helpful for first-time

interviews to focus on a job like Parks and Recreation summer positions, which are common

first jobs in our region.

What do you want students to learn from the Mock Interviews?

Students are looking to improve their interview skills and give themselves an edge in the job

market when applying for jobs. The mock interviews provide an opportunity to simulate the

stress of an actual interview and obtain constructive feedback for improvement.

For students who may find this difficult, how do you handle that?

We provide students ample opportunities to get themselves ready. We spent several days in a

low-risk environment practicing how they would respond to behavioral interview questions.

When students struggled, feedback was designed to encourage growth. All activities focused on

a growth mindset and the idea that each student is capable of successfully interviewing for the


Do adults/business owners from the community participate?

Yes. School to Careers reaches out to people who have expressed interested or have

collaborated with the program in the past. It’s a fantastic way for community members to

engage with students and support their career development. We are always looking for more

community members to get involved in our school!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The new Senate Bill has helped carve out a space for schools to bring critical skills for students

to obtain and integrate them into the required learning. When we think of high school as a

garden for growing future employees it becomes critically important to mentor and advise

students on how to search, apply and interview for jobs in the market. These life skills are

perhaps some of the most important skills our students will learn in their entire K-12 career.

In addition to the mock interviews, WMHS students could also visit the TigerScot Treasure

Trunk to choose interview-appropriate clothing.