Announcing the second annual “Meet and Greet” Resource meeting for families.
CTUIR Education Department and IMESD (Intermountain Education Service District) is proud to offer a virtual event for families with a student on an IFSP (Individual Family Support Plan), IEP (Individual Education Program) or a 504 plan.
Take a look at the flier for the event, including a QR code to join:
May 10, 2022
Virtual meeting
6:30 to 7 pm --- Welcome to the event, the introduction of presenters, and a tutorial on how to use the site.
7 to 7:45 pm – Connect to presenters through the virtual meeting – and 7:35 to 7:45 closing.
Click to see the resource hub:
During the event: families may join through the link above or the QR code on the flyer.
Topics covered during May 10, 2022, including over 15 presenters for the event:
Regional special education services through IMESD, ages birth to exiting high school,
Early Intervention / Early Childhood Special Education programs with CTUIR / IMESD, ages birth to entering kindergarten,
Free advocacy workshops, FACT Oregon,
Family support groups, Autism Society Oregon,
Health services & activities, Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center,
Continued education & supports for students with disabilities, BMCC Disabilities Services,
Support to obtain or maintain employment, for an individual with disabilities – Oregon State & CTUIR Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation programs and Oregon DHS Employment First,
Career Specialist (Youth), training & employment consortium with Worksource Oregon,
Intellectual and /or Developmental Disabilities Services, Umatilla County Developmental Disabilities program,
Workforce development, foster care, and other current services, CTUIR / DCFS, and
Cross-disability resource and advocacy center, Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living