October 22, 2021
Weston-McEwen High School would like to welcome the 1996 Football Team, John Shafer, Karen Smith Albert, and Casey Perkins as nominees for the 2021 Hall of Fame on October 29th. T...
October 22, 2021
I am Chelsey Holford and I'm the new resource room paraprofessional at Weston-Athena High School.
I grew up in the Milton-Freewater area and graduated from McLoughlin High Scho...
October 18, 2021
CASH ONLY! 2016 iPads with chargers! Wednesday, October 20, 4 pm to 6 pm at Athena Elementary School. iPads are in working condition and will be sold "AS IS" for $40 each whil...
October 15, 2021
Weston Middle School 6th graders learning survival skills in their new survival skills elective! They had so much fun trying out the flint and trying to start a survival fire!!
October 14, 2021
Hi, I am Rachel Stanford. I moved to Milton-Freewater, OR in Middle School and have been there ever since. My husband Nick and I have been married for 7 years and we have three ki...
October 7, 2021
Athena-Weston School District Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 11, 2021, 6:30 pm
Below you will find the link for the agenda and meeting. This is a...
October 7, 2021
Hi, my name is Michael Mehlman. I am the new behavior specialist at the High School and will also work some at the elementary school. I come from Tacoma, Washington. I graduated f...
October 7, 2021
Friday, October 8th, is a Professional Day for staff/no school for students. See you on Monday, October 11th!
October 5, 2021
October 4, 2021
All items being sold in as is condition.
Sealed Bid Items
October 1, 2021
OSBA Training - Monday, October 4th, 5:30 pm OSBA School Board Training Agenda
October 1, 2021
Reminder!! Tonight is our homecoming football game! Make sure to join us to celebrate! See you all at 7 pm!
September 30, 2021
Welcome Back, I am Matt Bryant. I am very excited to be a part of the WMS team! Originally I am from the East Coast, but I have been living in Walla Walla for the past 8 years. ...
September 23, 2021
Per Oregon State Law, we are required to share our school 2020/2021 immunization rates (not COVID) bi-annually. These rates are posted on the Athena-Weston School District - Heal...
September 20, 2021
We have officially updated and launched our AWSD School App! Here are some screen shots for you to see what it will look like when you first download or update your app! TO DO...
September 20, 2021
Did you know Weston-McEwen High School now has a Facebook page?! If not here is the link to go like a follow it for all the up to date info! https://www.facebook.com/WMHig...
September 16, 2021
Athena-Weston School Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 20, 2021.
Work Session - 5:30 pm
Regular Board Meeting - 6:30 pm
Below you will find the link for th...
September 16, 2021
Are you looking for TigerScot gear!? Order Here ! Profits from all orders go to W-M TigerScots!
September 16, 2021
Please check out our latest job opening....It could be perfect for you!
September 15, 2021
Hello, I am Kim Kammenzind. I am a Touchet native and this will mark my 21st year in education. Previously, I taught 19 years in Milton-Freewater and served as fourth grade teach...
September 14, 2021
Attention Athena-Weston Families: After careful consideration, it has been decided that the Weston McEwen band will not participate in this year's Pendleton Round-Up Westward Ho P...